Promotion Policy

Promotion is granted on the basis of the whole year’s performance of the pupil. If a student misses even a single test, his/her position in the class is effected. Absenteeism does not merely affect rank in the class but also the final result. 75% attendance is compulsory for appearing in the Board/School Exam. The final examination is meant to confirm and to establish the trend of progress throughout the year. In order to qualify for promotion minimum ‘D’ grade in each subject is required for class IX and XI, students should pass separately in theory & practical examination. The School’s decision in regards to student’s promotion is final.

If a child repeats a class for two consecutive years, it is advised that parents should withdraw the child from the school. The school’s decision in regards to student’s promotion is final.

Applications for Double Promotion shall be entertained in Classes Nursery & K.G. only. Such promotion shall be on the basis of test and on attaining proper age for the class. For details contact the school Principal.