Rules For Depositing Fees The time to deposite the fees in the school is from 1st to 10th of every month between 8:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon Computerised system for collecting the fee has been introduced and in that case, computerised receipts will be issued at the fee counter. Code Nos. for the name, class and section of the student will be allotted by the office to every student for depositing fee. Fees cards issued by the school's office should be presented in writing at the school fee counter at the time of depositing fee. After 10th of every month, fees can be deposited, alongwith the late payment fine. If the fee is not paid by the end of the month, the name of the defaulter will be struck off the school rolls. He/She can, however, be re-admitted after paying all the dues and re-admission fee. Absent fine per day will be charged alongwith fee for absence. Fee is payable on Monthly/Quarterly/Half yearly & yearly basis. All the dues must be cleared before the Examination starts.